From the webmaster:

I'm just wanting to let everyone know that I am not affiliated with Amicus Productions. I'm not a relative of Subotsky or Rosenberg. I am just a guy who believes that these films have their historical place in cinema history and should not be forgotten. Why do I say it's the ONLY Amicus website? I say that because it is the only website that is 100% dedicated to the legacy of Amicus Productions and it's creators. Of course it's not an official website, because the original company has been defunct now for over 30 years. It has just recently been revived as Amicus Entertainment.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Deadly Bees Restored DVD review

We've posted a review of the new DVD release of The Deadly Bees by Legend Films and Paramount Pictures. Go check it out on our Features page.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Part Three of Chris Gullo's Peter Cushing / Amicus article is up

We've posted Part Three of Christopher Gullo's article on Peter Cushing and his Amicus films on our Features page. This is the conclusion to the feature, so all three parts are up now for your enjoyment. It's a great read and should prove to be educational and entertaining to all fans of both Mr. Cushing and Amicus. As stated before, these articles are Mr. Gullo's honest opinions and insights on the films, so they are not just Amicus promotional material. Be sure and check out Christopher's book and his website at

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Part Three of Amicus / Cushing article delayed one week

We've decided to postpone putting the last part of the article about Peter Cushing's Amicus films. The last couple of installments were put up a couple of days late, so we want to give them a few more days of focus. Part Three will go up on Monday, June 23rd.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Belated Birthday Wishes

We somehow lost track of time and forgot to wish Happy Birthday to the men who helped make classic horror what it is today. Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee were both born in May a couple of days and 9 years apart. Mr. Lee at age 86 is still with us and blessing us with his presence in films. Mr. Cushing would have been 95.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chris Gullo's Cushing / Amicus article up

We've posted Part One of Christopher Gullo's article on Peter Cushing and his Amicus films on our Features page. It's a great read and should prove to be educational and entertaining to all fans of both Mr. Cushing and Amicus. These articles are Mr. Gullo's honest opinions and insights on the films, so they are not just Amicus promotional material. Be sure and check out Christopher's book and his website at