Well, somebody had to do it. Hammer has their own website. Universal has a bunch of fansites. We thought it was only right to give Amicus their own rightful piece of online real estate. So here you are. Of course, this is a work in progress. Things will always be changing on here as we continue to fine-tune what we want to do with this. We hope you enjoy taking a look around and for more fun, go to www.myspace.com/amicusproductions for tons of pictures and trailers from the movies.
From the webmaster:
I'm just wanting to let everyone know that I am not affiliated with Amicus Productions. I'm not a relative of Subotsky or Rosenberg. I am just a guy who believes that these films have their historical place in cinema history and should not be forgotten. Why do I say it's the ONLY Amicus website? I say that because it is the only website that is 100% dedicated to the legacy of Amicus Productions and it's creators. Of course it's not an official website, because the original company has been defunct now for over 30 years. It has just recently been revived as Amicus Entertainment.