From the webmaster:

I'm just wanting to let everyone know that I am not affiliated with Amicus Productions. I'm not a relative of Subotsky or Rosenberg. I am just a guy who believes that these films have their historical place in cinema history and should not be forgotten. Why do I say it's the ONLY Amicus website? I say that because it is the only website that is 100% dedicated to the legacy of Amicus Productions and it's creators. Of course it's not an official website, because the original company has been defunct now for over 30 years. It has just recently been revived as Amicus Entertainment.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Eulogy of sorts

You know, real life death is never quite like it is in the movies we celebrate and live for. It still is always a shock and never as glamorous or glorious as it appears on celluloid. My grandmother Gladys Johnson passed away on July 23rd. My mother was happy that she waited until the day after my birthday. She was a great woman and basically helped raise me when I was a kid and took me back in when I left my parent's house as a wild and crazy young adult who couldn't live with their overzealous rules and regulations. She always had an influence on me, whether it was direct or indirect. Even in death, she had an influence and impact on me. The trip to bury her in Illinois allowed me to get caught up on some of the Amicus films I needed to watch. Thanks , Grandma.

You may notice that things have been kind of slow around here in the past couple of months, and I apologize. On Monday, I will be posting a review of the Little Shoppe of Horrors issue entitled Scream and Scream Again - The Uncensored History of Amicus Productions by Philip Nutman. If you have yet to pick up this issue, it is a must have for all fans of British classic horror films. Go get it right now at

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Uncut HD Vault of Horror being aired

Channel 4 in the UK will be showing a newly transferred high definition print of the uncut version of The Vault of Horror. It will air on August 25th, so don't miss it if you're lucky enough to live in the UK. Thanks to taylor401306 for the news.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Skull featured on Ain't It Cool News

The Skull is featured as one of the "A Movie A Day" films that contributor and writer Quint does for the website Ain't It Cool News. The article and review of the film is very positive. Hopefully, it will expose a lot of younger movie lovers to one of the great Amicus classics. It's very cool to see press given to a classic on such a high profile movie site. Thanks to Quint for the opportunity to get the word out on Amicus. Check the article out here.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Interview with John Roger Barrie posted

We just posted the interview with John Roger Barrie, who is the literary executor of author H. F. Heard's estate. It is an interesting read about the comparisons and contrasts of the novel A Taste for Honey to the movie The Deadly Bees. Check it out in our Features section.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Taste for Honey review up

Our review of H.F. Heard's book A Taste for Honey has been posted on the Features page. This is the book that the movie The Deadly Bees was based on. Go check it out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stuck DVD due out on October 7th

Stuart Gordon's Stuck is being released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 7th. If you have yet to get a chance to see this film or it never made it to a theater near you, definitely pick it up when it hits the store shelves. It's the first Amicus production in 27 years and it was well worth the wait and really does reflect the spirit and feel of the classic films. You can check out our review of it here.