Since Amicus released two movies based on the EC Comics, we felt that this was news fans would want to know. Here it is straight from Variety:
"John Landis will direct "Ghoulishly Yours, William M. Gaines," a biopic based on the life of the publisher of EC Comics and Mad magazine. Landis will develop the project with Joel Eisenberg, who's also penning the screenplay. Pic's centered on an anti-establishment group of artists and writers, led by a reluctant Gaines and cohort Al Feldstein, as they produce their comicbooks. At the peak of his success, Gaines became a First Amendment figurehead due to his unapologetic testimony before a Senate subcommittee investigating juvenile delinquency. Landis most recently helmed "Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project" for HBO. Eisenberg is a partner in production concern EMO Films with Tim Owens and Eugene Mandelcorn."