It was bound to happen sooner or later with all the rumors of remakes and such. We knew Amicus would eventually be touched in some way or another. A new version (or remake, as it's being touted) of Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Land That Time Forgot is heading into production this week with actor C. Thomas Howell (The Outsiders, E.T., Red Dawn, War of the Worlds) behind the camera working from a script by Darren Dalton (The Day the Earth Stopped, Scanner Cop). The book was famously adapted for the screen in 1975 for Amicus Productions and spawned a sequel, which was also produced by one half of the original Amicus partnership - Max Rosenburg. It was also historically significant as the last film that original Amicus co-founders Milton Subotsky and Max Rosenberg worked on together, ending a partnership that was over 20 years old at the time.
The new version will star Howell, Christopher Showerman (Frankenbabe, George of the Jungle 2) and Timothy Bottoms (Land of the Lost, Vampire Bats, The Man in the Iron Mask). More additions to the cast are to be made soon.
The film is expected to premiere on DVD and is said to be following the original film's plot pretty closely. In the original Amicus version, "a German U-boat sinks a British ship and takes the survivors on board. After it takes a wrong turn, the submarine takes them to the unknown land of Caprona, where they find dinosaurs and Neanderthal."
From the webmaster:
I'm just wanting to let everyone know that I am not affiliated with Amicus Productions. I'm not a relative of Subotsky or Rosenberg. I am just a guy who believes that these films have their historical place in cinema history and should not be forgotten. Why do I say it's the ONLY Amicus website? I say that because it is the only website that is 100% dedicated to the legacy of Amicus Productions and it's creators. Of course it's not an official website, because the original company has been defunct now for over 30 years. It has just recently been revived as Amicus Entertainment.